Dr. Caren Caty, Ph. D.
is a
Clinical Psychologist and a Community Mental Health
Specialist who
has developed and implemented school-based
mental wellness programs focusing on promoting positive social and
emotional development in school-age children kindergarten through
12th grade for over two decades.
After more than 20 years of working on the front line at
public schools in Los Angeles county, addressing mental health needs with students and their
families, I have witnessed the great challenges young
people face and how their social and emotional development can
halt or grow in the face of adversity depending on whether or not
they receive social and emotional support from caring people
around them.
On my journey I gathered knowledge that is shared in
apps and youth support programs, PASSAGES (positive
solutions awareness
growth education
success), to help promote a sense of well-being, social connection, and success
with developmental tasks and academic achievement in school-aged
children from diverse cultural backgrounds.